Canberra OZCOMICON 2023 – EPIC Showgrounds – ACT Events

All the fun of the Canberra OzComicon, including Cosplay characters, fan clubs, games and much more in the Nations Capital!

The Ozcomicon entrance in Canberra

The Ozcomicon entrance in Canberra

Oz Comic-Con rules in the ACT!

This weekend saw the OzComicon hit Canberra for its annual event held at EPIC showgrounds – and the event was indeed, Epic!

What is a Comicon?

miss_p.cephalic at Ozcomicon 2023

miss_p.cephalic at Ozcomicon 2023

A Comicon is officially short for “Comic Book Convention”, an event where fans with a focus on comic book culture gather together for an event of usually a day or two in length.

But Comicons have really expanded into so much more than just a comic book fans meet-up. Comicon’s now represent fans of shows, movies, cartoons, games, animes, characters and more.

Oz Comic Con Community area

Oz Comic Con Community area

They are events that welcome a huge range of fans of vast diversity and loves. Best of all they are a great opportunity to bring people of all ages and abilities with the love of a particular fandom together where perhaps they may have felt a little isolated otherwise. Many new friendships are forged at Comicons thanks to a community atmosphere and mutually shared interest.

Canberra’s OzComicon is a very popular event in the ACT

The video games play area at Ozcomicon

The video games play area at Ozcomicon

Canberra’s 2023 OzComicon, or OzCon as it is fondly known, was very successful, with thousands of attendees soaking up the exciting and fun atmosphere.

Cosplay characters everywhere!

Ozcomicon cosplay characters

Ozcomicon cosplay characters

Character’s as diverse as the famed Thor of Oz to a random Rubiks Cube and Among Us player all gathered together over the weekend to show off, unite and have a lot of fun!

Thor of Oz Ozcomicon Cosplay character

Thor of Oz Ozcomicon Cosplay character

Some elaborate Cosplay costumes were home-made, others commercially bought – all looking simply incredible!

Ozcomicon Cosplay character

Ozcomicon Cosplay character

A huge Canberra family-friendly event

Our family met another Mario Bros fan family at Ozcomicon

Our family met another Mario Bros fan family at Ozcomicon

Whole families represented their favourite characters such as Mario Brothers and Super Heros. Mums, Dads and kids right down to babies were dressed up and having more fun that at Halloween. After all, you get to be in your costume all day – maybe even all weekend!

Fandoms unite! Clubs, boardgames & Dungeons & Dragons

Pathfinder D&D games at Ozcomicon

Pathfinder D&D games at Ozcomicon

There were special areas at OzComicon for boardgames, fan clubs, Dungeons and Dragons meets and more. Star Wars and Star Trek fans were represented alongside popular Anime and Medieval fandoms.

OzComicon Film and TV Celebrities

The celebrity meet and greet lineup

The celebrity meet and greet lineup

Famous film and TV celebrities were available for talks, (paid) autographs and meet and greets during the Canberra Oz Comic Con.

2023’s lineup featured Matt Ryan (DC Comic’s Constantine and the voice of “Edward Kenway” in Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag), Rebecca Breeds (LEGACIES, CLARICE and Home and Away) and Luke Mitchell (Neighbours, H2O Just Add Water and Home and Away).

Cosplay competitions, parades and fun

Just Dance fun at the Ozcomicon

Just Dance fun at the Ozcomicon

Cosplay parades and competitions were held, including several talks and a main event stage.

There were even Let’s Dance dance-offs where you could follow the moves on a dance-kareoke type screen so that anyone could have a try – and it was all free to take part!

The Just Dance dance-off was lots of fun!

The Just Dance dance-off was lots of fun!

OzComicon Exhibits, Artist & Product Stalls

The official Oz Comic Con store at the Canberra event

The official Oz Comic Con store at the Canberra event

OzComicon is a rare opportunity to pick up specialised fan merchandise – everything you could think of from Evangelion to Minecraft to Disney was available, including fan art, pins, posters, t-shirts, bags, costumes, accessories and so much more.

There are lots of product stalls at the Ozcomicon

There are lots of product stalls at the Ozcomicon

OzComicon food

All kinds of food is available at Ozcon

All kinds of food is available at Ozcon

There were plenty of food choices at the event, including several indoor cafes and outdoor food trucks. From hot chips and roast rolls to pizze and international specialities, you won’t go hungry at Ozcomicon!

Are children welcome at Comicons?

Yes, kids are very welcome at Comicons – after all, most of us developed our love of our favourite characters as children! Little Spiderman and Superman fans were well represented at Ozcomicon on the weekend.

When is the Canberra Ozcomicon?

The Canberra Ozcomicon 2023 was held over a weekend on the 5th and 6th of August.

How much are Canberra Ozcomicon tickets?

Canberra Ozcomicon tickets can be purchased at the door or online

Canberra Ozcomicon tickets can be purchased at the door or online

Oz Comic Con tickets prices for 2023

One Day Price

General admission for one day over-13yrs is $40

Children admission for one day ages 5-12yrs is $25

Family Pass (2 adults, 2 children) for one day is $95

Weekend Pass

General admission for the weekend for over-13yrs for $65

Children admission for the weekend ages 5-12yrs is $35

Family Pass (2 adults, 2 children) for the weekend is $135

Entry Conditions

Children under 12yrs must be accompanied by a paying adult.

Children under 5yrs have free admission.

Companion Card entry is accepted.

There are photo walls for fun photos - Samantha on Day 1 at Oz Comic Con!

There are photo walls for fun photos – Samantha on Day 1 at Oz Comic Con!

Where can I buy OzComicCon tickets?

You can buy Ozcomicon tickets at the door on each day (unless sold out), or online at the official website here.

Where is the Canberra Ozcomicon location?

Canberra Ozcomicon is held at EPIC – Exhibition Park in Canberra inside two large pavilions. (Canberra Showgrounds).

Where can I find out more about Oz Comic Con?

To find out more information about OzComicons you can go to the official website here.

Love all things Canberran? You may be interested in joining our Canberra Locals instagram here.

There is lots of amazing merchandise at the Canberra Comicon

There is lots of amazing merchandise at the Canberra Comicon

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The Let’s Go Mum family partnered with Oz Comic Con for our visit to the Canberra OzComicCon. As always, all opinions remain firmly our own.

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Oz Comic Con in Canberra

Canberra Ozcomicon 2023

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