How to get in to Super Nintendo World Japan without paying extra

Our easy beginner’s guide to show you how to get into Super Nintendo World on the day you visit Universal Studios Japan – without paying any extra!

Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios Japan

Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios Japan

For many visitors to Universal Studios Japan (a.k.a. USJ), the main attraction is Super Nintendo World. But often Universal Japan Express Passes into the area are either sold out well in advance – or not available at all. Not to mention their high price is yet another cost for tourists to factor into to their already expensive holiday.

Fear not – there is a solution! We have successfully test-run two reliable ways to get in to Super Nintendo World Japan without paying any more than your Universal Studios Japan entrance ticket. Best of all, whilst the following methods may cost you extra effort, they won’t cost you any extra money!

Entrance tickets at the entrance to Universal City at Universal Studios Japan

Entrance tickets at the entrance to Universal Studios Japan

It’s important to remember that before you use any of the following methods to get into Super Nintendo World you must buy a valid entrance ticket to Universal Studios Japan for the day you attend.

Where should I buy Universal Studios Japan tickets online?

Buying Universal Studios Japan park entrance tickets online for international visitors can be tricky. There are often problems using international credit cards if you attempt to buy them on the official USJ website.

The way around this for most Australians and other international tourists is by buying your tickets using our partner Klook who are official Universal Studios Japan ticket sellers. 

Buy your Universal Studios Japan entrance tickets online at Klook here

If you prefer to buy Express Tickets to Super Nintendo World, you can buy them on Klook here

You can also get up to 10% off many Japan attractions on Klook by using my exclusive discount code at checkout:


Klook conditions: $50 min spend, $50 max discount, 5 times use. Klook new customers can get 10% off and existing customers get 3% off. Klook exclusions list hereThis page may contain affiliate links. If you book a stay or an attraction through one of them, I will receive a commission (at no additional cost to you). Thank you for your support!

How can I get into Super Nintendo World Japan for free?

There are two main ways to get into Super Nintendo World for free once you have entered Universal Studios Japan. No matter how you get in to Super Nintendo World, you will first need a valid Universal Studios Japan entry ticket for that day to enter the park.

Walking through Universal City in the morning at Universal Studios Japan

Walking through Universal City in the morning at Universal Studios Japan

Method 1 – Enter Super Nintendo World before it opens in the morning

You’ll notice a lot of locals using this trick. It’s a big time and money-saver – but it does require some planning!

What time should I arrive at Super Nintendo World Japan in the morning?

If possible, try to plan your Universal Japan visit on a weekday that isn’t a public holiday. Arrive at Universal Studios Japan very early in the morning, well before the park opens. A good rule of thumb is two hours prior to the official opening time.

We arrived at 7am in the morning by train and walked through Universal City to the main gates. You can watch the video of our early entry into Super Nintendo World here. It takes around 5 minutes to walk quickly from the Universal City Train Station to the Universal Studios Japan main entrance.

When we arrived at the entrance gates, we found ourselves towards the rear of the main front queue. This was good enough to get us to Super Nintendo World on time for that day’s opening time of 9am.

What time does Universal Studios Japan open?

The official opening time of Universal Studios Japan fluctuates with the days and seasons. Times are listed on the official website, however the park nearly always opens around fifteen minutes to forty-five minutes earlier than stated. For example, officially Universal Studios may be listed as opening at 9am however the main gates may start scanning the general queue of people in at 8:30am. The only way to know for sure is to experience it on the day. You can ask at the customer service office outside of the park, however they can only tell you the previous day’s opening time. VIP and Early Entry guests enter the park earlier first through a different entrance.

How do I enter Super Nintendo World Japan early?

You need to hurry! Once the park opens the waiting queue will commence steadily filtering through the turnstiles, scanning into the park.

You will scan your entrance ticket QR code at the Universal Studios main gates to get into the theme park. You will then need to go straight to Super Nintendo World without delay.

Do people run to Super Nintendo World?

Yes, some people do but most don’t.

Depending on how soon you scan into Universal Studios Japan, you can walk briskly for several minutes to Super Nintendo World, or if you are further back in the queue you may need to power walk or even jog to make it in time!

You’ll come across several staff holding “Don’t Run” signs soon after you enter. These signs are ignored by some park-goers without penalty, however the majority of guests proceed in a rapid but safe fashion.

How do I get into Super Nintendo World if early entry is closed?

If you miss out on getting to Super Nintendo World before they close the free entry period in the morning, then go to Method 2!

Don’t Run signs inside the entrance at Universal Studios Japan

Don’t Run signs inside the entrance at Universal Studios Japan

How do I get into Super Nintendo World Japan before it opens? Watch this video

Watch my step by step video here which shows you exactly how it’s done. When to leave, where to go, what it’s like to arrive at the train station at Universal Studios Japan, join the general entry queue, enter the park and then how to get into Super Nintendo World before it opens.

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How do I get to the entrance of Super Nintendo World Japan?

Use my Super Nintendo World rope-drop map!

Wondering which way to go? Well you can just follow the crowd when the time comes, but it’s always good to have an idea first!

Use my below map to get an idea of which way it is to Super Nintendo World Japan from the Universal Studios front entry.

Follow the blue path drawn on our map below to get directly from the entrance gates to the Super Nintendo World entrance.

Map from the USJ Entrance to Super Nintendo World Japan

Map from the USJ Entrance to Super Nintendo World Japan

Disadvantages to the early-entry method:

Early arrival is necessary and standing waiting time is around an hour-to an hour and a half.

Advantages of this method:

Entering Super Nintendo World immediately in the morning means short or shorter queues onto the SNW rides including Mario Kart, Donkey Kong and Yoshi.

Queues are particularly rapid first thing in the morning as there are no express passes or timed entries that early, plus the ride queues have not grown excessively yet.

You can also book a timed entry to re-enter Super Nintendo World again later if you wish.

Empty queues in the morning at Super Nintendo World Japan

Empty queues in the morning at Super Nintendo World Japan

Method 2 – Book Timed Entry to Super Nintendo World

This is another good way to get into Super Nintendo World without paying any extra money, and that is to book a free timed entry ticket.

The main thing to keep in mind is that booking Timed Entries into Super Nintendo World Japan by any method are that they are on a first-come-first-served basis. On busy days they can be gone by 9am. On quiet days they can be available all day.

How do I book a Timed Entry into Super Nintendo World Japan?

There are two free ways to book Super Nintendo World Japan Timed Entry tickets inside Universal Studios Japan.

  1. Using the Timed Entry Kiosk machines, or
  2. Booking on the official Universal Studios Japan App.

1. How to get Super Nintendo World Timed Entry tickets from the kiosk machines

There is a bank of several ticket machines inside Universal Studios. You can use these to get physical entry tickets into Super Nintendo World for free.

The sooner you do this in the morning, the better as no matter where you seek timed entry tickets they may run out early.

How do I use the Super Nintendo World ticket machines?

To operate the Super Nintendo World kiosks you’ll need to scan your entrance ticket QR code into the machine first and then make your selections. Attending staff can assist you to use the machines.

One advantage of obtaining your Timed Tickets from the kiosk machines is that you can opt to either get a ticket as soon as possible, or choose your desired time slot later. This differs from the app which issues you with the next available time.

The ticket machine will issue you with Super Nintendo World paper tickets printed for your chosen timed entry period. If times entry tickets are no longer available you may be able to obtain a Super Nintendo World standby ticket from the machines.

How do I get a timed entry ticket to Super Nintendo World if I don’t have a phone?

The Super Nintendo World kiosks are the solution to obtaining a Timed Entry or Standby Timed Entry ticket if you don’t have a mobile phone to book online. In this case you will need to have a print-out of your ticket QR code with you to scan into the machine (which you will need to enter the park anyhow).

Where are the Super Nintendo World Japan ticket kiosk machines located?

Use my below map to guide you to the Super Nintendo Ticket kiosks. You can also ask staff inside the front entrance which way to go.

The Super Nintendo World ticket kiosks are located in Universal Studios Japan Central Park.

The red line on the map below shows you the most direct route to get from the main front entrance to the Super Nintendo World Timed Entry kiosk machines.

Super Nintendo World Japan ticket kiosk machine location map

Super Nintendo World Japan ticket kiosk machine location map

2. How to book Super Nintendo World Timed Entry on the app

The Universal Studios Japan official app is used to book Timed Entries.

Using the official app to book your Super Nintendo Japan Timed Entry on your mobile phone is faster and easier than using the kiosk machines, as you can do it as you go – or while you are waiting in line for another ride.

Before arriving at Universal Studios Japan, be prepared by scanning your Universal Studios Japan entry ticket QR codes into the official USJ App. You’ll need to do this first in order to book Timed Entry in the App.

Be sure to still take a digital or printed copy of your entry QR code with you on the day to scan into the park. You cannot produce a copy of your tickets from the app even after your tickets are scanned into the app.

What happens if timed entry runs out?

If no more timed entries are available on busy days you may be able to try to get random entries on the Timed Entry lottery.

What is the Super Nintendo World Lottery?

The Super Nintendo World timed entry lottery is a random selection option sometimes offered on the Universal Studios Japan app instead of Timed Entries on high-demand days.
When you go to book a Timed Entry in the App you will either be offered a Standby Timed Entry, or you will receive a message saying you were not successful in the lottery. You can only attempt this once.
You can also attempt to obtain a Standby Ticket from the kiosk machines but you need to choose one method.

How do I scan my Universal Studios Japan ticket into the app? Watch this video

Watch my step-by-step video guide here which shows you exactly how to scan your Universal Studios Japan park entry ticket into the official USJ App.

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What time do Super Nintendo World Timed Entries start?

Timed entries can start around 15-30 minutes after the general queue into the park is open.

What time should I arrive at Super Nintendo World?

It’s best to arrive at Universal Studios Japan around the official opening time.

Timed Entries do often run out, usually during the morning on high-demand days, so don’t arrive too late.

Once you have scanned into the park open the app to check for Timed Entries. They can start anytime – usually from around fifteen minutes to half an hour after the general gates open.

Timed Entries are allocated in chronological order, so the sooner you book, the earlier your booking is.

Can I book a Timed Entry to f I already have purchased a Timed Entry or Express Pass?

Yes, you can book another timed entry if they are still available.

How do I book a free Timed Entry into Super Nintendo World Japan? Watch this video

Watch my step-by-step video here which shows you exactly how to book a Timed Entry into Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios Japan.

Don’t miss another of our Australian family YouTube videos! Subscribe to our YouTube Channel here
A Super Nintendo World Japan Timed Entry booked on the App for free

A Super Nintendo World Japan Timed Entry booked on the App for free

Can I choose the time of my Super Nintendo World Timed Entry?

By ticket kiosk, yes, but by app booking, no.

A way to try to choose a time period by app is by making several attempts. You can try for a Timed Entry and if you are offered a time that’s earlier than you would like, then try again a little later. As times are issued in chronological order, if you see 10am but want to enter at 3pm, try again until it shows closer to your preferred time.

This method is not perfect – don’t leave it too long. On busy days blocks of times can go fast, so don’t leave booking a spot too long or you could miss out altogether!

Disadvantages to this method:

Timed entry will get you into Super Nintendo World for free, but it won’t get you on the rides quickly – you’ve lost the advantage of going directly to the Super Nintendo ride queue you want before the big queues back up.

When you arrive via Timed Entry Super Nintendo World has already been open for at least half a hour. You’ll need to wait your turn in the general queues, which by then can be around two hours long.

To avoid this you’ll either need to use Method 1, or buy an Express Ticket.

Advantages to this method:

You don’t have to arrive at Universal Studios Japan as early in the morning.

You can go straight to another popular ride in the morning such as the Harry Potter ride and enjoy the shorter, faster moving queue, as you go to Super Nintendo World later in the day when your timed entry period is allocated.

Waiting to board the Mario Kart after a fifteen minute morning queue in Super Nintendo World Japan

Waiting to board the Mario Kart after a fifteen minute morning queue in Super Nintendo World Japan

Bonus Method to get into SNW for free!

Method 3 – How to get into Super Nintendo World with no booking

Sometimes, if it isn’t a busy day they will allow guests to simply walk into Super Nintendo World in the evening if numbers inside have decreased sufficiently.

There’s no predicting this method, however you have a higher chance of it happening on weekdays which aren’t public holidays, or during inclement weather.

Where can I buy Universal Studios Japan tickets online?

Buying Universal Studios Japan park entrance tickets online for international visitors can be tricky.

There are often problems using international credit cards if you attempt to buy them on the official USJ website.

The way around this for most Australians and other international tourists is by buying your tickets using our partner Klook who are official Universal Studios Japan ticket sellers. 

Buy your Universal Studios Japan entrance tickets online at Klook here

If you prefer to buy Express Tickets to Super Nintendo World, you can buy them on Klook here

You can also get up to 10% off many Japan attractions on Klook by using my exclusive discount code at checkout:


Klook conditions: $50 min spend, $50 max discount, 5 times use. Klook new customers can get 10% off and existing customers get 3% off. Klook exclusions list hereThis page may contain affiliate links. If you book a stay or an attraction through one of them, I will receive a commission (at no additional cost to you). Thank you for your support!

What’s the best way to get from Australia to Universal Studios Japan?

Fly Jetstar to Tokyo

We partnered with Jetstar Australia to fly from Australia to Japan to visit Osaka where Universal Studios Japan is located. See Jetstar Australia’s cheap Japan flights here

Jetstar Australia offer cheap fares to Japan every day – check their website for their low Osaka fares and frequent sales.


Universal Studios Japan Facebook Group

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Universal Studios Japan Holiday Planning Facebook Group

Universal Studios Japan Holiday Planning Facebook Group

Love all things Universal Studios Japan, or just have more questions? Join our huge Universal Studios Japan Facebook Group here!


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If you enjoyed reading this article, please consider sharing it – we’d also love to hear about your own USJ experiences in the comments below!

This page may contain affiliate links. If you book a stay or an attraction through one of them, I will receive a commission (at no additional cost to you). Thank you for your support!

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