Let’s Go Mum reviews… Disney On Ice!

Snow White asks the audience - should I eat the apple?

Snow White comes alive in Disney On Ice!

Disney on Ice is fast-becoming a family tradition for us – our first show was last year, and everyone had such fun, not going again this year was quite out of the question! Lucky for us we had been invited to the show and after-party, however we certainly would have gone to see the show again, regardless!

The kids had their princess outfits planned months ago, and have been counting down the days until finally, today – Disney On Ice day arrived!

Yay - Disney On Ice day is finally here!

Yay – Disney On Ice day is finally here!

We arrived at the Allphones stadium at Sydney Olympic Park over an hour early just to soak up the kid-excitement atmosphere – and allow time to queue for the exorbitantly priced, but essential souvenirs and popcorn.

Much to the kids annoyance, I made them wait for me to obtain a desperately-needed coffee before finally seeking out our seats. Surrounded by thousands of sparkly, squealing little Princesses and Princes, the lights dipped and the ice turned red – cue the Disney magic!

The mighty Lion King atop his rock!

The mighty Lion King atop his rock!

This year’s Disney On Ice certainly did not disappoint – there were the extravagant sets, sumptuous costuming and enchanting stories we’ve now come to expect from Disney, all told with simply amazing skating (I thought that they only did triple jumps in the Olympics?!).

The action was non-stop, and did not give the spellbound children any chance of becoming restless or bored – even the toddlers. It’s a testament to Disney that a show that goes for such an extended period (around two hours with intermission), can keep the absolute attention and engagement of so many age ranges of kids – and adults! It’s clear that Disney on ice also attracts a large number of adults “unaccompanied by minors”! All no doubt drawn by the sheer reputation and spectacle of Disney On Ice – and reliving their childhood Disney favourite stories (I know I was!).

So many of the classic Disney characters are still featured in the show, mixed in with the more modern Disney movie stars. Princesses and Princes all made appearances, including characters from Toy Story, Alice in Wonderland, Aladdin and the Little Mermaid, just to name a few!

Whenever Peter Pan came flying in, or Tinkabell fluttered her way across the “sky” (with a little help from the odd support cable) the stadium exploded into mass kid-hysteria!

Tinkerbelle has rock star-appeal at Disney On Ice!

Tinkerbelle has rock star-appeal at Disney On Ice!

Finally the show drew to a spectacular close with the cast all coming back onto the ice to dance together. The stadium exploded into an appreciative roar – my girls most enthusiastically included!

I had spent a lot of the show watching my girls faces. It’s one of my absolute favourite things to do – to see their innocent and open enjoyment of experiencing something so wonderful in their eyes. For me, watching them watching the show is one of the main attractions of Disney On Ice. This is the stuff that memories are made of – or at least, it’s one of the things I hope their childhood memories will be made of…

After the show we headed up to the after-party, where the kids played, ate giant cupcakes and got to meet Mickey and Minnie Mouse. What a great end to a wonderful day!

Time for our close-up with Mickey and Minnie Mouse!

Time for our close-up with Mickey and Minnie Mouse!

If you haven’t taken the kids to see Disney On Ice yet, it’s still not too late for Sydney-siders!

Disney On Ice Treasure Trove is on at the Allphones Arena, Sydney Olympic Park from 9 – 13 July (Wed – Sun) – grab some last-minute tickets, and make some awesome Disney family memories of your own!

You can purchase tickets from Ticketek: 132 849 or www.ticketek.com.au/disneyonice


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Hi, I'm Barbara, mum of the Let's Go Mum blog. We'd love to hear from you! You can contact me anytime with ideas on where you think we should go or what you think we should try...just drop me a line at barbara@letsgomum.com.au!