Closed – Win 1 of 5 Giggle & Hoot Best Ever! DVDs

Giggle and Hoot Best Ever! DVD


Do you have a little Giggle and Hoot fan in your family?

Have we got a competition for you!

Giggle and Hoot have released a brand-new DVD, chock-a-block full of Giggle and Hoot songs and stories!

That’s right – finally a collection of all your favourite songs and adventures from Jimmy Giggle, Hoot and Hootabelle.

With separate playlists for day and night you can sing and dance with your owl pals in the day time or wind down before bed at night – perfect!

I’m excited to tell you that ABC For Kids have teamed up with Let’s go Mum! to giveaway the new-release Giggle and Hoot’s Best Ever! DVDs to five lucky Let’s go Mum readers!

This competition is now closed – here are the lucky winners:

D. Kordic
A. Buchanan
K. Erceg
T. Hampton
S. Anderson

Congratulations winners!

Giggle and Hoot’s Best Ever! DVD is RRP $19.95 and is available at the ABC Shop from November 5

Is Giggle and Hoot big at your house? Tell us about your little Giggle and Hoot fans in the comments below!

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3 Responses so far.

  1. Sansiree says:

    I am so happy!!! Thank you very much! My chidlren will be so happy!

  2. Daniella says:

    Thanks heaps, I’ve never really won anything, so winning this DVD is great as it will go towards my little girls first xmas and she loves Giggle and Hoot 🙂 Thanks!

  3. Mick G says:

    The kids love Giggle and Hoot and sleep well knowing Hoot is flying the night sky keeping them safe while they sleep

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